High School Ministry
Sundays /6:30-8:30PM / Grades 9-12
Our high school students connect with friends and discuss life's hardest questions by exploring the Bible and sharing in small groups.
Middle School Ministry
Thursdays /6:45-8:15/ Grades 6-8
Faith, friends, and fun! If you’re a middle-school student you don’t want to miss out! We’ll challenge you to grow while having a blast!
9am Sunday Morning Groups
Middle and high school students each have a class where they walk through Reformed Youth Ministry curriculum.
10:45am Sunday Group
Students join together to walk through deep biblical discussion with Reformed Youth Ministry curriculum.
*Students are invited to gather in Guest Central prior to each service on the first Sunday of each month. We share in light refreshments and fellowship before we go into the Live Service to worship and learn together.
Annual Student Auction
Make a Bid. Be a Blessing!
Make a bid, be a blessing.
We encourage you to do just that by taking part in our annual Student Ministries Auction and Soup Luncheon this weekend! It’s our only fund-raising event of the year for students, and EVERY dollar earned goes to them.
This year, proceeds will assist our summer mission trip teams serving in Panama and North Carolina. Funds raised this weekend also will help students attend retreats and other life-changing student ministry events.
Here’s how it works: Pick up a number at one of the display tables and bid on items in F-100 and F-101. We also have tables near the Children’s Wing and The Venue. The highest bidder on each item wins and will be contacted by phone on Sunday afternoon. Winners will then pick up their items at the church office any time during office hours, Monday-Friday from 8:30am-5pm.
What can you win? Gift cards, theme gift baskets, antiques, tickets to local attractions, electronics, and more! Who ultimately wins? Our students, because EVERY dollar you bid helps them draw closer to Christ.
And be sure to bid hungry. The soup luncheon will take place right after the 10:45am service this Sunday, April 6. Each of the delightful soups will be sold by donation.
Living in the Light: a study in 1 John
Have you ever wondered if God really loves you? If you believe with confidence God loves you, have you ever wondered why He does? Do you ever struggle with sin and wish you were better able to resist and overcome sin? Have you ever wanted to experience God’s forgiveness and love on a deeper level? Do you want to deepen your love for other people and learn more about how to receive love from others more freely? If you answered yes to any of those–there is something in 1 John for you. God has something for you to hear and learn as we go through this letter. It is a rich and full book, written to reassure followers of Jesus, fill them with hope, and strengthen their confidence in their faith in Jesus.
Join us at youth group this year as we dig deep into the book of 1 John together! You can also find devotionals, videos, and more by clicking below!
Pastor Ben Recommends
Browse below to find recommended resources such as books, podcasts, substacks and more. These recommendations come straight from the desk of Pastor Ben. Click on each for direct links.

Checkout this month’s calendar to see what is coming up at Pathway Student Ministries!
Word of Life Sponsorships
Ruben and Genesis Gonzalez - Panama
Lynnell Fry - Canada Quebec
We have a heart for missions here at Pathway Student Ministries. Whether near or far, we want to support those who have submitted their lives to the work of spreading the Gospel to a world that is in desperate need of hope and light. We now support two Word of Life missionaries!
We support the Gonzalez family as it serves in Panama. We give to Ruben, Genesis, Abimelech and Sarah so they can carry out the work God has called them to do. Through our donations and the sacrificial giving of many others, the good news has been shared with hundreds if not thousands of people in Panama.
More recently we have made the addition of a new Word of Life missionary that we will be donating to moving forward. Plus, the added bonus is she is from right here at Pathway Church! Lynnell Fry is a missionary in Canada Quebec. She will be an intern in the French language school, where she will improve her French speaking skills as well as learn how to teach French to missionaries preparing to go to French-speaking countries. Lynnell will also be working in the media department where she will create content for English social media accounts and promote the French language school.
If you would like to also support our Word of Life missionaries, you can drop your donations in the Pathway Students Giving box in the basement near the check-in stations. Or you can donate directly by following the links below. If you have any questions, contact Stephanie Woods at students@lifeatpathway.com.
Check out our social media outlets for more information and events!
Connect with us any day, and any time, through our Student Ministry social platforms.
We offer live teaching, interactive games, and fun video clips.
It’s a great way to keep in touch during the week!
Check out our Instragram, YouTube and Facebook platforms below.
Looking for ideas to help with your family’s spiritual formation? Here’s a GREAT list of resources we’ve put together just for you!
email staff by clicking on their photo
Ben Marshall
Pastor of Student Ministries
Student Ministries Assistant