December has arrived! You can tell that’s true around Pathway as the lobby has been filling up with food to feed the hungry, shoeboxes to provide gifts for needy children around the world, and angel ornaments that will soon turn into Christmas presents to bless children whose parents are incarcerated. I love the spirit of giving and generosity that permeates the ministry of our church.

Of course, the spirit of generosity and sacrifice also has been marvelously on display around Pathway Church through the All In initiative. This project, seeking to reach children and adults within our congregation, around our community and throughout the world, has received broad support from the church. The congregation has been open-handed with their resources, committing a total approaching our goal of $2.9 million. I am so thankful for the people of Pathway and their selfless response to the project. As we’ve pointed out before, the job in front of us is not just an opportunity, it is a problem, which if left unaddressed, will seriously threaten to stagnate our future ministry — first among children and then the broader family.  But you have proved your resolve to get this done through your gifts and pledges. 

Though we are nearing our target, we are still in need of some additional people who will step up to get us the rest of the way there. If you have yet to make a financial commitment, or if you sense the Lord prompting you to do something additional to help us close the gap, please do so as soon as possible. You can do so by filling out a commitment card and turning it in to the church office or through the offering, or you can give a gift online and designate it to All In. If you have any questions, please contact the church at 724.843.6381.

Beyond the financial sacrifices being made through All In, what has been at least as exciting are the spiritual sacrifices. Many people are testifying to the Lord working in their hearts in a new way, which is leading them to steps of bold faith. Those decisions are going to impact Pathway long after the more tangible components of this project are accomplished. And those decisions make it clear that God’s Spirit is at work among us, changing lives!

Thank you, Pathway, for being serious about following after the call of Jesus. It’s a privilege to be your pastor!

All in with You!

Pastor Jeff