November is a month set aside for giving thanks, and I want to begin with a word of gratitude for you and the Pathway Church family. There are many things for which I am thankful, including your faith in Jesus, your love for others and your partnership in the gospel. As I consider the progress of the ministry at Pathway, I am mindful of the dedication of hundreds and hundreds of people who make it happen. Thank you for what you do!
I am also deeply grateful for your prayerful participation with All In. I have been so encouraged to hear from several who have indicated they have taken up the challenge to go All In with their lives in ways that go deeper than they have ever engaged in the past. I can tell you those are words that make a pastor’s heart leap for joy. Others have let me know they are wrestling with God about what He is calling them to do financially for the All In initiative. These decisions can be difficult as the Lord stretches us beyond our comfort zone into realms of sacrifice. I thank you for taking your faith seriously enough to do this soul-searching. I also thank you for taking your commitment to Pathway seriously enough to engage on this level.
The components of the All In project are advancing nicely. We are right on track to accomplish each phase including the new children’s wing, renovation of the existing building, advancement of the global partnership in Orkarkar, Kenya, and the Give Joy to the World clean water project. Please continue to pray about how the Lord would lead you to participate financially to accomplish all of these priorities.
Details of the project are in the All In booklet at the church or on our website, One highlight you’ll want to be sure to check out is our virtual walk-through of the new and renovated portions of the building. You can find it at
It is true that Thanksgiving comes later this month, but you can be certain I’m giving thanks for you right now!
Going All In!