Sermon Discussion Questions

Revelation 1:1-8 — Pastor Jeff McNicol

What is the most significant thing you’ve witnessed?

READ: Revelation 1:1-8

  • In the past, how have you felt about the book of Revelation?

  • If you’ve studied it before, what themes or lessons stood out?

  • This book is the revelation of whom? (verse 1)

  • How does this opening statement help us understand who and what this book is about?

  • What gives the author of this letter the credentials to pass on the information?

  • What does it mean to be a witness?

  • How does the giving and receiving of this revelation described by John occur? Who is involved?

  • How is blessing received in the passing on of this revelation? (verse 3)

  • Why would “hearing” this revelation be so important?

  • How well do you do at being a “hearing” person?

  • Based on Revelation 1:4-5, describe how you hear John’s understanding of the divine. What is different about his description than what you have heard before or seen in other places of the Bible?

  • What things do you hear about the Father, Son and Spirit in verses 4-6?

  • In verse 7 we read about the One who comes. What are the implications of every eye seeing the One who comes?

  • Why does it matter that the One who comes is the “pierced one?”

  • What do you make of the phrase, “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him?”

  • How do we understand “all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him?” What is the reason for the wailing? What happens to those who mourn?

  • Focusing in on verse 8, what names does God use for Himself? What do they say about Him? What do they say about His relationship with us?