June is going to feature an event at Pathway that does not happen frequently in church life. In some churches, it never happens. It has occurred five times in Pathway’s 41-year history. So, what is this rare event? It is the groundbreaking for a new building. We will soon kick off the construction of our new children’s wing and the renovation of much of the existing building. We are very excited about the way the resulting facilities will enable us to expand and enhance our ministry!

 The anticipation of our groundbreaking follows a recent decision confirmed at our annual celebration and business meeting to proceed with the project.  At that meeting we reflected on many of the blessings God has provided in the past year, including the progress of our All In initiative. It also triggered a more personal time of reflection on the advancement of our congregation.  

 The truth is, I’ve been thinking about the progress of the gospel and the ministry of Pathway Church. There have been a number of challenges we have faced through the years related to creating space for ministry, adequate workers for expanding programs, necessary funding for sustaining progress and more. Now, I say they have been challenges, but every one of them has been an opportunity at the same time. Every challenge has been an opportunity for developing new leaders, dreaming about what could be, expanding ministry vision and most of all, trusting God’s faithfulness. And time and time again, I’ve seen God provide through His grace and the partnership of His people.  

 There have been many times that doing significant ministry has required a mindset that understands it’s not always about us.  Sometimes ministry is all about sacrifice and looking to the interests of others ahead of our own.  At other times it requires stepping out in faith where we know we have been called, but when we can’t see the end at the beginning.  Then there are the opportunities that necessitated making changes that weren’t easy, but had to be done. In all of these things, and more, I have seen Pathway respond boldly and selflessly. There is no doubt that our progress has been advanced through such a willing spirit.  

 So as I have been reflecting, it has been with tremendous thanksgiving and gratitude for you, the people of Pathway, and your desire to do whatever is necessary to git-r-done!  In fact, I was recently talking to the president of the Evangelical Free Church of America and I was bragging on you and your willingness to engage in significant ministry, whatever the cost. It is a privilege to serve a group of people who have such a heart. 


- Pastor Jeff