Mom loved Pathway. Though living several states away, she loved to visit and attended many worship services over the years. She enjoyed the people she met and spoke of your kindness. She prayed every day for my ministry and the work of the church. It all helped her have a feel for the church when she would listen to sermons on CD and online. And she heard a lot of them! In addition to listening to each weekend’s message as soon as it was posted online, she and dad would binge listen to a whole series at a time on a road trip to one destination or another. Thankfully, they stayed awake while listening and driving.
I’m going to miss mom’s input about sermons and so many other things very much. As many of you know, she passed away about three weeks ago. It has definitely been a time of great loss, but the truth is our joy s full as we have the confidence of knowing her hope was in the Lord and that HER joy is even fuller! It also has been a tremendous comfort to receive so many cards and notes from the Pathway family. We have been overwhelmed and want to thank all of you for your love, prayers and support. You have carried us along in these days.
One of the places mom would always stop before a service at Pathway was the café. As for the rumor that she needed caffeine to make it through my sermon, that was never confirmed. The truth is, the café is a popular stop for individuals needing their coffee to get going and families getting donuts and other goodies not found at home. We’re glad we’re going to continue to offer the café after the remodeling of the building. In fact, it is one of the areas slated for improvements. My hat goes off to those who have made the café work without as much as a sink or running water. Fortunately, the construction plans include remedying that situation.
The plans, of course, also include the completion of the new children’s wing and enhancements to rooms serving youth and adults. They include the advancement of the Kenya partnership in the remote village of Orkarkar, as well as the development of several clean water wells in needy regions of Liberia. Great progress is being made in all those areas thanks to the generosity of the people of Pathway.
This month will mark the one-year anniversary of the kickoff of the All In initiative. It was just one year ago that we experienced a move of God in our midst when a very large percentage of our congregation went All In with God and subsequently stepped up to fund the project. I am so thankful for all those who have taken part. I also have learned of others who weren’t with us at that time, or who weren’t able to engage, who are interested in getting involved now. There are still others who did take part, who have since felt moved of the Lord to do something additional. This anniversary season seems to be a good time to make that happen and you are encouraged to prayerfully consider how the Lord would be calling you to respond. We are targeting November 12/13 as the weekend to initiate or renew pledges and gifts.
As the Thanksgiving season approaches, I know I am deeply thankful for you. You have stepped up to make ministry possible in our community and around the world. At the same time, you have truly ministered to my heart and that of my family. What a blessing we all have in Pathway Church, and what a blessing I have in you!
In Thanksgiving,
Pastor Jeff