This fall is going to be one of the most important ever in the life of Pathway Church.  We are at a vital juncture when it comes to where we are going and what our future is going to be.  Throughout the next few months, we are going to be focusing on an initiative we are calling All In.  This initiative is multifaceted and will impact everyone who calls Pathway their church home, but also go beyond that to touch the lives of our community and world in great ways.  Our desire in it all is that we would reach, love and serve all those with whom God gives us opportunity. 

The origin of All In was a time of prayer and evaluation on the part of the elders about five years ago.  That time eventually gave way to the establishment of a study team that reported a significant need for improvement in our facilities to enable the best possible ministry.  That team gave way to another that was tasked with creating a plan to address those needs.  Their work ultimately included engaging a professional builder to examine feasibility and options.  Following a year’s work, continued prayer and evaluation, the congregation voted in March of 2015 to move ahead with plans.  Since that time, our building team has been advancing those plans. 

The project has many features.  One component is the addition of a new children’s building to better serve the ever-increasing number of children and families calling Pathway their church home.  Another is the remodeling of portions of the existing facility with improvements for the youth department, adult classrooms, café, administration and more.  Also prioritized in the plan is our commitment to addressing the concerns of the hurting and needy around the world.  Our deepest desire through this effort is that lives will be impacted with the love of Jesus and that the faith of the people of Pathway and beyond would grow deep and strong.  We are confident that will happen as we go All In to reach, to love and to serve. 

It seems very fitting that this initiative coincides with our 40th anniversary as a church.  Throughout our history, the faith and vision of the congregation has been demonstrated again and again as ministry was advanced and expansions were undertaken.  Including the original building, there have been four such expansions.  Now it is our turn to take Pathway the next step forward.  I’m looking forward to a very special weekend (Oct. 2-4) that is planned to celebrate that history and the foundation it has built for what is yet ahead. 

I urge you to join me in prayer for the opportunities that are in front of us.  As we unite our hearts together before the Lord, we will know His mind and experience His blessing.