In April and May of this year, we have been focusing on developing better families at Pathway, regardless of size. This sermon series addresses key relationships that exist in the home and considers tools to help us move those forward. One of those key relationships is with moms.  Mothers have an incredible influence in homes and Mother’s Day gives us a special opportunity to celebrate. I encourage you to do something out of the ordinary for your mother to let her know what she means to you. 

However, before we get to Mother’s Day, there is another very special day. It is the Day of Prayer, held this year on Thursday, May 7. The theme is Lord, Hear Our Cry emphasizing the need for us all to place our faith in the unfailing character of God, who is sovereign over all governments, authorities and men. The focus verse is 1 Kings 8:28, “Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day.”  Please set aside time that day to pray for our nation and that the witness of believers would have a shaping influence.

As I think about praying for our nation, many of those prayers are of gratitude for the blessings and opportunities it has provided for me, my family and our church. One of those many blessings is the freedom that has been secured through the sacrifice of others. Pray with me for the families who have lost loved ones who have given their lives serving and dying for the liberty we so enjoy. Then, take that feeling of gratitude and express it to one such family or share in one of the Memorial Day events that are taking place in our region.

Another opportunity to look back with gratitude is through our own Annual Celebration and Business Meeting. It will be a time to reflect on some of the things that have transpired over the past year and look forward to what is ahead as well. This will additionally serve as our occasion for setting our next year’s spending plan in place and selecting elders and officers for the year to come. Members are encouraged to attend this important gathering on Sunday, May 31 at 4 pm on the Chippewa Campus. 

As you enjoy the warmer days of May and your thoughts turn to spending more and more time outside, consider gathering your neighborhood together for a block party to get better acquainted. Pathway can help! More details to follow.

Many blessings!