Hello all,

I hope everyone's new year is off to a great start! About a year ago we met to talk about what consistency looks and sounds like at Pathway. From there we implemented a couple of different things that would help us move in that direction. We started a co-pilot program where someone, mostly me, would team up with the person running sound and serve as an extra set of ears to offer feedback as to what's happening with the mix. We also offered access to an online tool called ChurchMix.com that is designed to help deepen our level of knowledge and give us talking points during our co-piloting.  

As we go through 2016, I want to continue down this road of consistency by broadening our co-piloting program beyond our Live Service to our other venues and services. I also want to utilize the online training tool better as well as give us opportunities to gather and grow as a group. 

To get the ball rolling with gathering opportunities, I'm inviting you to a Next Level Sound Session on Sunday, January 31 from 1:00pm-4:00pm in our large auditorium. Lunch will be provided and will start at 12:30. Those coming from Moon, don't worry, we'll save you some if you can't get there by 12:30. During this session we'll discuss some changes that we'll be implementing to help us build consistency across all of our services. We'll also take time to mix audio from a band so we can talk through some of the things we're after when it comes to mixing here at Pathway.

As we get closer to January 31 there are a few things you can do to help make this time as productive as possible.

  1. If you're running sound in the next two weeks, will you take a moment to fill out this board configuration chart and send it back to me by Monday, January 25? In an attempt to make our board layout more uniform across all services, I would like to know how you label and route your board. Here's a completed chart from Live so you have an example. In the notes section also include any specifics that you find most useful in your layout/configuration. This can be anything, really. I just want to give you the opportunity to have input as we come up with a more uniformed configuration.
  2. Let me know if you're running into any particular issues or have any questions, whether technically when setting up or artistically when mixing. You may not be the only one with that question(s), so to address it in a group setting can be very helpful.
  3. Please confirm that you can be there so we can plan appropriately for lunch.


I look forward to spending time with you guys! Thank you for all you do at Pathway!