A Teaching In the Book of Philippians.
While the Apostle Paul was imprisoned in Rome, he wrote a letter to the Philippian church thanking them for the encouragement they offered him. However, his letter was more than an expression of gratitude; it was a call for them to rejoice in every circumstance. With his own life in the balance, he encouraged the church, calling them to experience a joy that is not fazed by the circumstances in life. A joy so powerful it is unstoppable - so great it is unspeakable.

Jeff McNicol - 02/22/15
Sermon Notes

The Secret
Ed Walsh - 02/15/15
Sermon Notes

Grounds for Appeal
Matt Frey - 02/08/14
Sermon Notes

Stand Firm
Jeff McNicol - 02/01/15
Sermon Notes

One Thing
Jeff McNicol - 01/25/15
Sermon Notes

The Great Reversal
Jeff McNicol - 01/18/15
Sermon Notes

Ready To Go
Jeff McNicol - 01/11/15
Sermon Notes

The Work of Joyful Obedience
Matt Frey - 01/04/15
Sermon Notes

Jeff McNicol - 12/21/14
Sermon Notes

Living on Purpose
Jeff McNicol - 12/07/14
Sermon Notes

A Compelling Joy
Jeff McNicol - 11/30/15
Sermon Notes


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