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Ministry Highlight


Ministry Highlight

Ministry Highlight

Ministry Highlight




Anxiety. It’s nearly impossible to avoid in today’s world. And chances are, it’s entered your home at some point, too.

If you or your children have struggled with anxiety, we invite you to attend our annual Family Discipleship Conference on Saturday, February 1. Counselors from Cornerstone Wellness will be on hand to help us navigate anxiety in our own lives and in the lives of our children.

Sponsored by Geneva College, the conference will take place from 9am to 1pm, and the cost is $20 per person or $30 per couple. The event will be filled with opportunities to learn, connect, and support one another as we bring our anxiety to Jesus.

Pathway Student Ministries will offer child care to raise funds for summer mission trips. Requested donation is $10 per child, and you can pay in person on February 1 with a credit card, check or cash. Conference registration is now open at this link.

To see what’s happening on our Chippewa Campus this week, click here.