We’re getting warmer! OK, maybe not, but at least we’re THINKING about summer right now!
To that end, we’re excited to announce that our popular SonZone camp for elementary students and those with special needs will take place from 9am to 4pm June 10-14 at our Chippewa Campus. SonZone is a week-long camp filled with a variety of learning opportunities, biblical lessons and a whole lot of fun! We also have a SonZone camp for preschoolers, which will take place from June 18-20. We’re looking for both adults to teach and teens to help during each camp. Volunteer applications are available by clicking on the link below and in the children’s wing lobby.
Save these dates …
SonZone Unlimited (special needs) – June 10-14: contact Jenna Hannum
SonZone Camp (completed K-5) – June 10-14: contact Chelsea Johnston
SonZone Jr. (age 3-PreK 5) — June 18-20: contact Jenna Redmond