Do you ever wish you had a pattern to help guide you in handling anger, worry, integrity, revenge and other challenging life issues? Actually, there is. Jesus taught very practically and pointedly to address key circumstances and help us all build meaningful lives. We are going to examine the pattern He gave us in a sermon series called, Blueprint: A Life Under Construction.
Jason Martin - 09/03/16
Matt Frey - 08/28/16
Jeff McNicol - 08/20/16
Lasting Treasure
Jeff McNicol - 08/14/16
Effective Praying
Jeff McNicol - 08/07/16
Ed Walsh - 07/31/06
Getting Even
Jeff McNicol - 07/24/16
Keeping Promises
Jeff McNicol - 07/17/16
Jeff McNicol - 07/10/16
Jason Martin - 07/03/16
Under Authority
Jeff McNicol - 06/26/16
Making a Difference
Jeff McNicol - 06/19/16
The Blessed Life
Jeff McNicol - 06/12/16